Services I Provide


Fraud and Embezzlement

When it comes to theft, fraud, and embezzlement, private investigators are often the first line of defense. These crimes can have a devastating effect on individuals, families, and businesses, so it’s important to have a trained professional on your side who can help you get to the bottom of what happened.
Divorce casses

Civil-Criminal-Divorce and Lawsuit Cases

A divorce case can be very complex, and oftentimes emotions are running high. This is why it’s so important to have a level-headed professional like a private investigator on your side. A divorce investigator will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of your divorce case in order to help you get the best possible outcome.
Debt and collection monitoring

Collection of Debts and Asset Research

There are many reasons why you might need to hire a private investigator. Perhaps you’re owed money and need help tracking down the debtor. Maybe you’re considering investing in a business venture and want to do some due diligence first. Or maybe you’re going through a divorce and need to find hidden assets.  A private investigator can help you find the answers you need in these circumstances.
debt collection

Debt Collection

If you are unable to locate the person(s) who owe you money in order to have your attorney or debt collection agency send them a demand letter for payment I can assist with that.
Loved Ones

Finding Lost Loved Ones or Friends

If a relative or friend has gone missing you may be wondering how to find them.  Here are some tips on how to locate them:

1. Check social media sites. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites can be great resources for finding lost or missing loved ones. Try searching for your relative’s or friend’s name on these sites.